To receive your loyalty discount, sign in to your account/your organization’s account, or create a new account before purchasing. Please note that “purchase history” only includes past purchases. If you create a new account, your purchase history will begin at $0.00. If any purchase is made outside of your account, we will assume you wish to donate any proceeds paid above loyalty pricing to provide ministry materials to men in prisons.
Loyalty discounts are as follows:
Associate ($500 in current purchase history) = 10% off specially-marked products
Friend ($1500 in current purchase history) = 15% off specially-marked products
Partner ($2500 in current purchase history) = 25% off specially-marked products
Loyalty discounted prices only apply to products that are specially marked (all DVD sets, books and workbooks). Click on any product to view its discount pricing. Other purchases (such as dog tags or certificates) still count toward your purchase history.
For questions, call 1-800-777-0305 (press 1 to speak with Adam) or email