Coming soon… LIVING BETTER for MEN

3 volumes  |  17-18 lessons per volume  |  53 lessons total

  • A great resource for use in prisons, rescue missions, churches and men’s groups
  • A down-to-earth view of Biblical manhood

Living Better for Men presents an earthy and practical view of how to practice Godly manhood on a daily basis.

This 17-lesson program is designed to help men in churches and prisons be effective participants in each of their relationships as they work, with God’s help, to achieve their God-given callings. Our discussion-based format and diverse presenters provide an example for men to develop strong, supportive relationships with other men. We discuss real life issues that men struggle with, no matter how messy those issues are.

1. It Just Happens (Part 1)
2. It Just Happens (Part 2)
3. It’s Too Late (Part 1)
4. It’s Too Late (Part 2)
5. I Am Not Valuable
6. More Lies (Part 1)
7. More Lies (Part 2)
8. Getting Real (Part 1)
9. Getting Real (Part 2)
10. Finding A Solution (Part 1)
11. Finding A Solution (Part 2)
12. Discovering You (Part 1)
13. Discovering You (Part 2)
14. I See It (Part 1)
15. I See It (Part 2)
16. You Get To Choose (Part 1)
17. You Get To Choose (Part 2)

Stay tuned for sample videos!