Tips & Resources

What is warm-up & hosting time?
It’s a welcoming experience at the beginning of a men’s meeting that allows the men to transition from their busy work or day-to-day schedules into focusing on the K21 lesson. Hosting time should bring humor to the group and make each man feel comfortable.

Hosting time should work toward accomplishing the following goals:

  1. Strengthen bonds
    The host of a men’s group should strive to strengthen the men’s bond with each other, often by giving them experiences that involve emotions they have in common. For example, the host could help the men laugh together, or he could play background music or videos which relax them as they are coming in. This encourages them to drop their defenses, which increases their ability to hear the content that is being taught. Men need time to transition from the busyness of life in order to be fully receptive to the lesson you are presenting.
  2. Begin promptly
    It can be helpful to begin each meeting with the same high-energy song each week, signaling that it’s time to start. After the lesson is presented, end with a brief wrap-up that emphasizes an action step or an inspirational thought to motivate the men.
  3. Increase emotional awareness
    Through creating a shared experience and creating space for a transition into a spiritual, manhood attitude, hosting time helps men become more receptive to hearing the upcoming lesson.
  4. Eliminate distractions
    By giving the men something entertaining and lighthearted to focus on, hosting time can encourage men to be fully engaged during the following lesson.

Don’t let men come into a “dead” room—play background music, a video, etc. when possible.

Do ask someone to volunteer to be a greeter so that each man is acknowledge and recognized.

Do provide snacks and drinks when possible—this helps create a welcoming and friendly environment.

Do work within your style and personality, while at the same time encouraging new ideas to reinforce the group process.

Don’t bring up controversial issues, such as politics, religion, sex, homosexuality or female-bashing.

Do use themes men can relate to, like current events, holidays, sports, hunting or funny commercials.

Do play the same high-energy song each week to signify that the meeting is starting.

Do begin your group meeting with 3 to 10 minutes of an activity or video that encourages laughter and relaxation. Talk up the lesson to be presented and welcome the men in attendance.

Do wrap up each lesson by sharing announcements, responding briefly with statements and stories that reinforce ideas from the lesson. Highlight an action step from the workbook, and then dismiss the men to their campfire groups.

It’s important to find man who has the personality of a good host—someone who will bring humor and acceptance to your group atmosphere. When looking for a man to host your men’s ministry sessions, consider the following qualities:

  • A person who is socially active, has a broad range of interests and naturally encourages others.
  • Someone who has experienced previous success with team-building activities, such as a business leader or sports coach.
  • A man who takes wise risks and doesn’t respond defensively if a joke or suggestion doesn’t land.
  • Someone who is technologically capable of incorporating multi-media into the hosting time.
  • A man who can periodically put aside humor and fun in order to respond to the seriousness of the manhood process and genuinely discuss his own journey as a man.

Some hosts like to have a different theme each week, playing videos, songs, etc. that apply to that theme. Here are some topics we’ve found men enjoy:

  • Hunting/Guns
  • Marriage
  • Nascar
  • Baseball
  • Pranks
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Being Kids Again
  • Getting Older
  • Rednecks
  • Pilot Crashes
  • Dogs & Cats
  • Babysitting
  • Golf
  • Superbowl
  • Funny Commercials
  • Scares
  • Candid Camera
  • Driving/Drivers license
  • Difference between men & women
  • Popular TV Shows
  • Thanksgiving
  • Veterans Day
  • Fishing

Funny/Entertaining Videos

Click the button below for some ideas and links to videos you can play to create a comfortable group environment. With the help of suggestions from men and men’s leaders, we’ve collected all kinds of videos to help men relax and focus after a tough day.

Note: A diverse group of men use our DVD programs. What may be funny or appropriate for one group might not fit into another group’s values and beliefs. Our goal is not to offend, but to offer material that can help a leader who uses this site.

Please watch the video in it’s entirety before playing it in your men’s group to make sure it’s appropriate for your audience.

Hosting Tips

16:45 | Hosting is a challenging yet rewarding task. Clair Hoover and Dr. Roy Smith (author & founder of K21) discuss one of the most important parts of a men’s meeting—the beginning. Using their experiences in leading men’s groups, they describe the goals of hosting, how to create a comfortable environment and tools for bringing men together.